2018: Renewed Life

by - January 05, 2018

Hello! I've been trying to catch up with all my travel diaries but I realized that I'm having a hard time writing my thoughts. It has been quite a while since I let out all my thoughts. 2017 was a confusing year, a year of low self-esteem, a year of discoveries, and a year of learning. I quit my job, got stuck at home being completely useless for months, going back to school to face a path I've been afraid to take, and feeling a more hopeful than I did mid-year. This year, I'm entering it with a new hope, with more strength and courage, and less self-doubt. I'm going to be more focus and be more productive.

I started writing without a topic in mind but I didn't expect I'd write something that is positive. But this year, I will do better.

I'll let you know how I did at the end of the year.

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